Lightening in a Bottle Salad Dressing
I like a nice wet salad. I also like when I hear a song as I eat a bite of said wet salad. Now when I’m eating this salad, I don’t want to feel guilty, I mean I’m already eating a salad, when I pour my store bought ranch dressing all over it, I’m suddenly getting the guilties. No more! No more guilties! Use this dressing, use it till its gone, take the ingredients and make it again. Put your own spin on it. Add fresh herbs, put a little spicy in there. This is the basis of any good salad dressing. Oil, acid, sweet, seasoning. This is a staple of any wet marinades as well as a flavor booster in grain bowls. This is lightening I caught in a bottle, but it’s also tangy mustard seeds and local Texas honey. Take control of your salad in every aspect.
Ingredients: Our homemade fruited vinegar, local honey, mustard seeds, fresh orange juice, salt, pepper, olive oil